Chronic & Recurrent Lower Limb Muscle & Tendon Injury
Comprehensive guide to tissue pathology, pathomechanics and individualising rehabilitation strategies
The course will discuss the structure, function and pathology of the most challenging lower limb muscle and tendon injuries the pathomechanics the lead to injury in these structures acutely and chronically and how to individualise rehabilitation and load management strategies to return to full pain free athletic performance.
The course will cover:
Muscle and Tendon Structure, Function and Injury
Pathomechanics of most prevalent lower limb muscle and tendon injuries
Rehabilitation strategies
Tissue Specific Responses and Adaptations to Training
Transitioning rehabilitation from motor control to strength to sports specific activities
Load management and RTP decision making
The learning objectives:
Understand the anatomy and function of muscle and tendon
Understand the pathomechanics that lead to recurrent and chronic muscle and tendon injury
Provide structure to physical assessment to identify all the contributors to injury re-occurance
Optimise rehabilitation strategies through individualised exercise selection, coaching and periodisation to maximise required adaptation
Utilise key metrics regarding load tolerance and load management across sports during reconditioning through to return to pain free performance
To register to enquire about attending an upcoming course, or if you are interested in hosting a course email endaking@hotmail.com